Kalama HinesFeatures EditorWhat do Miley Cyrus, Howard Stern and this newspaper have in common?
All three of these things flex the muscles of their constitutional rights.
Rights that have been the backbone of this country for centuries. And while nearly all Americans are quick…
Ashley FreitasStaff Writer Ghosts, goblins, witches and at Las Positas, our very own Lego man. It’s reaching the time of year where the leaves are falling and so are clothe lengths as we come up to the next celebration: Halloween.
This year, Oct. 31…
William TannerArts and Entertainment EditorThe Lady Hawks are dead. It’s a term that has been technically defunct since 2009.
The women’s basketball, soccer, swimming nor the cross country runners are referred to as such. If you still call them that, you only perpetuate…
Travis DannerEditor in ChiefThese liberals are trying to their hardest to run this country into the ground. What with their Socialist, “Hey, let’s try to get everyone some health care” garbage.
Just listen to their messiah, Taliban Commander Obama, spew his bleeding-heart plans…
Aretha WelchSpecial to the Express“Pancake effect, “unsightly stretch marks” and “heavy load” were just some of the teasers a September issue of In Touch magazine used to pull readers in and give them an up close look at the boobs of some…
Martin GallegosStaff Writer"Nothing Was The Same" is completely different from what was expected from Drake. However, in this case, it's a good thing.
Drake's highly-anticipated third album has finally dropped. What I was expecting to hear was more of the same made-for-radio songs…
Editorial BoardThe ExpressSept. 9, 2013 might just be the end of college education for some, as Assembly Bill-955 was passed.
AB-955 will not only greatly increase the cost per unit in the California Community College system, but it would also limit the courses…
Kalama HinesFeatures EditorIt’s sleek, attractive and brand new. Apples iOS7, software update, has been released and reviewed.
It has been a week since apple released its iOS7 update and the conversations about it have taken over forums.
With most of Apple’s products the good…
The ExpressIn 2005, the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees approved a budget of $500,000 to be spent on aesthetics at Las Positas College.
Eight years later, the Board and LPC have made a joint decision to use a portion of…
Travis DannerEditor-in-ChiefI’ve hit a case of the dreaded writer’s block while working on my wedding vows and I feel I have achieved a new wisdom I must now pass along to my readers.
If you’re thinking of getting married— don’t.
Let me clarify that…