By Greg Buckley @g_buck23
I was raised to mind my own business. I raise my daughters to mind their own business. I don’t like it when people get in my business.
On April 3 and 4 Project Truth was on campus showing off their…
By Jennifer Snook @sirjid
On Monday, March 6, I became a certified rabble-rouser.
Along with several other people, I staged the Rally for Transgender Solidarity here at LPC.
It was a fairly rushed event. I went from learning about it, to giving a speech, in…
By Ian Jones @IDJonesPhotog
In case you’ve been living under a rock, YouTube is an incredible thing. Apart from the ever-present cute cat videos, pranks, “let’s plays” and, let’s face it, pirated music, it can also be a great advocacy tool when it…
By Ian Jones @IDJonesPhotog
We all know who Martin Luther King, Jr. was. Gloria Steinem proudly wears a “pussy hat” for women’s rights, and she’s 82! Most people know who Frederick Douglass was. If you’re from the bay area, you probably know Harvey…
What should be changed about the LPC cafeteria?
“A lot of the food they have is greasy. I would put more effort towards the salad bar. They have a good one but make sure the food is fresh and not frozen.”
Brittney Asterino, 21,…
By Jennifer Snook @Sirjid
The first time I saw a naked woman I was about ten.
I was at a friend’s birthday party. There were fourteen or fifteen of us, all boys, including the host, and we were sleeping over in the downstairs living…
By Ian Jones @IDJonesPhotog
“So, can you drive?”
I get that a lot. I can, but despite my age, I don’t — not yet. I have been working on it for a long time, though. Sometimes, I feel stuck in Neutral in the process,…
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
Today, on my journey to class, I came upon, once again, The Express. Having enjoyed reading the views of the paper, and often disagreeing with them, as I have in the past, I decided once again to venture…
Greg Buckley @gbuckking
Out of work and in need of a job Colin Kaepernick decided his protest of kneeling for the national anthem has come full circle, and going forward will now stand.
He started kneeling in the offseason to protest social inequality throughout…
The Express Editorial Board
Last year, hope was kindled for high school and college students alike, and his name was Bernie Sanders. The promise of free college was a dream that we dreamt of earnestly. It was a dream that in the end…