Jennifer Snook
When I was 11, I assumed everyone was like me.
I assumed that everyone secretly wanted to be a girl.
I assumed that all the boys I went to school with looked on in envy, and we were all silent by some great…
Ian D. Jones
Here we go again, tis the season. Don’t get me wrong. I’m really not a Scrooge. I like being able to give gifts to loved ones, but every November/December, I start to dread the idea of going to the stores…
Taylor Lobb
What do you enjoy doing for fun? Hiking, swimming, camping, and sports are just a few of the many past time activities that come to mind.
However, there are some that have a very different interpretation of fun when regarding a favorite…
Tim Guan
Is it normal for a lion to hunt and kill its prey? A wolf will do the same just as ferociously and without thought. But when a human being does it (not as barbarically,) things go loose and everyone starts complaining…
Elizabeth Joy
Student after student lined up to speak out Nov. 14 at the Chabot-Las Positas College District Board meeting, wanting their voices to be heard concerning the Sanctuary Resolution.
Las Positas College DACA student, Angela Vasquez, psychology major, spoke up in tears. Inspired…
Taylor Lobb
No medical card necessary.
No lies about glaucoma.
No excuses about anxiety, or back pain. Or insomnia.
California residents are now free to use marijuana recreationally.
This means at the turn of the calendar year, it will be legal to sell marijuana for recreational use.…
Rachel Hanna
Stress, being overwhelmed and unsure of what major to choose. For some, college can be a trying time for students figuring out which road they want their future to go down. Before Ruby Elias joined the Puente program at LPC, these…
Julia Coty
Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, is a holiday dedicated to honor all veterans and active serving members, past and present, for their sacrifices and accomplishments.
On Nov. 9th 2017, the LPC Veterans First Program and the Student Veterans Organization honored…
Ian D. Jones
I recently had an online discussion with a friend on what constitutes “stigma” when it comes to mental health. Their reaction to the shooting in Las Vegas was, to very slightly paraphrase, “crazy people are crazy, and we need to…
Tim Guan
As we’re now arriving toward holiday season, there’s been much debate to whether we should greet people with “Happy Holidays” instead of, for example, “Merry Christmas.” I find this to be extremely ridiculous as to why this is even subject to…