I’ve always gotten in trouble for failing to do my school work.
When I was in second grade, my teacher once called the principal when I refused to do any work in class. Even that didn’t help. It only secured me a detention.
We all need to recharge our batteries every once in a while, and our phone batteries are no exception.
There are now several cell phone charging stations that have been introduced to the Las Positas campus. Any time your cell phone is low…
By Julia Coty
Pictures taken by Blake Sperling
Another semester done but on to the next!
The Express staff would like to extend their appreciation for those who support the newspaper by any means. The writer and editors took on new accomplishments this semester such…
By Alex Lontoc
A nationally recognized conservative charter has made its way on campus. Young Americans for Freedom, whose political stance contradicts the majority at LPC, claims to advocate for individual freedom and traditional values. The club was founded for similar minded people…
By Ian Jones
As the school year grinds to a halt, many of your classmates are preparing to graduate or transfer, and if you’re sticking around LPC a little longer, you might be thinking, “I should be up there on the stage…
By Julia Coty
I hear the car starting in the driveway.
The rustling of duffle bags going down the staircase.
The low murmurs of my parents.
With a silent kiss on my forehead, I knew who it was by the familiar…
Election results provided by Las Positas student government.
Turner Zischka 158
Yesenia Medina 208
Lylah Schmedel 548
Vice President
Treasure Domingo 209
Maritza Ventura 196
Hariel Colcol 484
Director of Legislation
Luis Sanchez 288
Nathan Fish 583
Director of Events
Kirstie Burgess 804
Director of Communication
Caitlin Yee 324
Alejandro Buenrostro 537
ICC Chair
Angela Vasquez 829
A pair of performers take the stage during the 15th annual Poetry Slam in the Black Box Theater at Las Positas on May 18, 2018.
Compiled by Elizabeth Joy
By Grace Ramsey
Heaps of bags of rice, pasta sauce, oranges, apples and corn, oh my! The sun shining through the clouds while students gather to take part in “The Market”.
Las Positas College put on “The Market” in front of…
By Christina Vargas
Drea Chavez owns Hella Good Cannabis, based in Hayward. She founded it in January 2014, while she was still a student at LPC. Beginning with word of mouth networking to build company awareness, she promotes and organizes events…