It is unknown when students will return to campus, but when they do, there will be physical changes to the campus.
Construction and upgrades to the campus did not stop during the pandemic and campus closure. Some upgrades and new construction have been completed, other projects are due to start this year. The upgrades and construction are a result of the Measure A bond fund that voters passed in 2016.
One project that will affect students is the installation of a distributed antenna system which will improve cell phone services within the buildings on campus. Before the installation it was almost impossible to receive cell service in some of the buildings and one had to go outside to make or receive calls.
Wi-Fi has also been upgraded on campus to allow Wi-Fi in parking lots C&D. The computer network has also been upgraded to have 10 GB/s internet speed to all buildings.
Projects that are expected to start in the year 2021 is the building of a temporary faculty village in parking lot G (behind the amphitheater). This will allow the faculty members currently in building 2100 to relocate. Buildings 2100 and 2200 will then be torn down and replaced with a new building 2300. The new 2300 building construction is planned to start in the summer of 2021.
The emergency call stations around campus are also being upgraded.
This year the school is expected to construct a new building for the horticulture program located in the campus maintenance area behind the turf soccer field.
Construction will begin for a new center for Public Safety as well as one for Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation. The buildings will be located by the sports complex near the solar field on the upper campus. This will replace the facilities in building 800. Building 800 was built in the 1975-1978 timeframe and is outdated.
The counters in the 1600 building for Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Student Services Center and the Information desk will be lowered to meet ADA standards. This is expected to be completed in fall 2021.
The Chabot Las Positas Community College District has continued to make changes to the LPC campus during the pandemic. Students will see the changes once they can return to campus.

Alan Lewis is the photo editor of The Express. Follow him @alolewis1.