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For this issue, production day — the time allotted for putting this newspaper together — was also the day following the second U.S. Presidential debate. This one with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. 

Newspaper production is, at times, arduous work. So, in an already high-stress environment, editorial board members were asked their thoughts on an equally stressful-to-watch debate. 

As is likely traumatically engrained in the minds of anyone witness to it, the first Presidential debate was a catastrophe. Without hyperbole, it ended as bad as an event of its kind possibly could. In its wake, Joe Biden dropped out of the running. 

The sitting president’s performance was historically poor — not so much as a result of forced errors, as it was the consequence of his age. Seeing Biden on June 27 — the night of his and Trump’s rhetorical scrimmage — was like seeing your grandpa who lives six states away for the first time in three years. You knew he was declining, but actually visiting his worn cognition is a shock nevertheless. 

Sept. 10 was different. Different, first, for the obvious reason: The Democratic nominee wasn’t an aging white man. She’s a 59-year-old, mixed woman. Second: Harris, as opposed to Biden, is an effective communicator. 

The question pitched to editors was plain… “What’d you think of last night’s debate?” 

Jakob Arnarsson, Editor in Chief

“I’m an immigrant. I don’t care. I just don’t want to get deported.”

Camille LeDuc, Managing Editor & PR Director

“Donald Trump looked significantly less orange this time around. Yet his arrogant, white ideology about border control still portrays immigrants as evil vultures trying to enter what he calls an already ‘s—h— country.’”

Olivia Fitts, News & Opinions Editor

“I’m just confused why it’s still a coin toss. If Kamala was a guy, with all the same qualities and experience, it’d be 65% Harris to 35% Trump, at least.”

Sydney Breckenridge, A&E Editor 

“I’m gonna say what someone said to me: ‘If the world actually wants to get fixed, Kamala Harris is the most viable option. But if you want to sit back and laugh, Trump is the right candidate for you.’”

Francis Kennedy, Sports Editor

“I’m honestly afraid of both of them. Both of their policies scare me.”

Rain Hepting, Copy Editor & Cartoonist

“I think Harris handled it fairly well. I’m disappointed but not surprised about her more moderate stances. I wish the game we’re playing allowed for more progressive change.” 

Luke Vavuris, Photo Editor

“It was obviously much better than the last one. It was a lot more subdued. But, it was a lot more one-sided. They wouldn’t fact-check her at all. They let her talk, but wouldn’t let him get in a second word. Neither of them stayed on topic.”

Sabrina Hossain, Social Media Editor

“It made me want to gouge my eyes out. It just reaffirmed my belief that the U.S. empire should die…in this lifetime.”

Jaden Griffin, Multimedia Editor

“I think there was a lot of deflecting from both parties. There were some good points thrown out, but they weren’t fully answering any questions.”

James Sevilla, Web Editor & Production Editor

“I’d say it felt less of a debate and more like campaign propaganda.”

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