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Richard Jimenez
Staff Writer

From the upper half of the campus where the 2400 building is located, students emerged from their vehicles and prepared for the day. Assignments, tests and homework usually cross the mind of everyday college students. But that day, if one were to look into the horizon from the 2400, an explosion of life surged throughout the quad as Club Day commenced.

Club Day erupted to life as students flowed through the quad while clubs, who wished to grow and nourish their organizations, offered what they could to the student body. Each club had a table that promoted who they are and what they do in order to gather as many new signatures as possible.  Students who wanted to get involved and meet new people signed their signatures and emails on the club tables. In the meantime, ASLPC hosted a competition for clubs to win cash prizes for their table throughout the event.

The bustling atmosphere bough the LPC community together like never before in this semester. Students passed by the normally quiet quad during Club Day to see the LPC community spring to life. The unique style and theme of each club table was what brought Club Day to life.

“All the colors from the tables make today very attractive,” said Alix Darrow, president of the Tae-Kwon-Do club.

The displays of the club tables were just a bonus to an already relaxing and social atmosphere. Students were having fun as water from squirt guns and bubbles from bubble wands filled the air.

The LPC student body had the chance to relax and “let their hair down from all the stress of the classroom,” said Campus Security Officer Art Owens. “Today is a chance to open new horizons and make new friends.”

Not only did Club Day bring a fun social atmosphere to the clubs, but some tables also presented snacks that attracted the “starving college students,” as Biology Major Kohei Narron put it. The snacks from the club tables and free Monster drinks kept students active as they explored the new social and career opportunities of club day. Along with the snacks and Monsters, the student government gave a helping hand to hungry students on the quad.

The people of LPC came together to commune their interest and passions into their tables. Each club table was unique. They all offered different activities and interests from their organization to any students who just happened to pass by.

“It’s society at its finest,” said political science major Brandon Arthur Flores. “You go around and something you never thought would’ve caught your interest catches your eye and you find something new.”

Students who normally didn’t have the time to sign up for club activities had a golden opportunity.

“I’ve always wanted to do extracurricular activities,” said engineering major Mo Atiffi.

Mo was easily able to join the Math Club thanks to Club Day.

Just as Owens said, Club Day was a great opportunity to explore different careers and interests. Clubs like the Medical Student Development Association help students explore medical career opportunities.

“We want to help students who are pursuing a medical career in, not just medical school, but in volunteer work to help them get connections,” said Alan Beigarten when asked about the MSDA and how they help students.

Despite the fun atmosphere Club Day presented, there was a competition, hosted by the student government, between club tables that wanted to win cash prizes for their club accounts. The guidelines for this competition vary from the theme each club chooses to the games, activities or giveaways from each club table. According to Nasera Quyban of the Social Justice Club, the cash prizes range from $100 for first place, $75 for second and $50 for third.

Each club utilized a different strategy to attract students.

Water Polo Club members attracted attention by walking around dressed in their swimsuits.

The Social Justice Club gave out pizza for hungry students and henna tattoos to students who wanted a temporary tattoo.

The Biology Club presented the skeletal portion of the human body with skulls and bones on their table.

Club Day might be over and done with, but the gathering of the LPC community has certainly left its mark on students who wish to go further beyond the interactions of the classroom.

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