William Tanner
A&E Editor
Costello Court. That has a nice ring to it, right?
The Associated Students of Las Positas College is apparently thinking the same thing. LPC’s student government has drafted a resolution to name the basketball court at The Nest after late coach…
Bekka WiedenmeyerManaging EditorLas Positas College got its first in-depth look at its next president.
On Oct. 2, the three candidates for the vacant position spoke at the open presidential forums,
sharing their experiences and visions with members of the LPC community. District Chancellor
Jannett Jackson,…
Will Tanner
A&E Editor
As the government turns the lights back on for their first full day back, one local agency turns theirs off.
BART will be shutdown for for the second time this year due to a strike schedule to start at midnight on…
Richard JimenezStaff WriterFrom the upper half of the campus where the 2400 building is located, students emerged from their vehicles and prepared for the day. Assignments, tests and homework usually cross the mind of everyday college students. But that day, if one…
Bekka Wiedenmeyer Managing EditorOn Oct. 2, the three candidates for next Las Positas College president spoke at the open presidential forums, sharing their experiences and visions with members of the LPC community. Prominent members such as District Chancellor Jannett Jackson and Board…
Kalama HinesFeatures EditorThe Las Positas College tuition cost is in no immediate danger of rising, but that is not necessarily a good thing.
On Jan. 10, 2013, Governor Jerry Brown released his budget plan for the 2013-14 fiscal year, a budget that he…
William TannerArts and Entertainment EditorThe search is over. The Presidential Advisory Search Committee has narrowed their list of candidates down to the final three. On Wednesday, Oct. 2, Dr. Barry Russell, Dr. Christopher Villa and Dr. Pamela Walker will be on the…
Ashley FreitasStaff WriterOnce again, the college will be in a state of transition with the leaving of Guy Lease, the Las Positas College’s current Interim President. Janice Noble, who is LPC’s current Vice President of Academic Services, will be taking over as…
Jason LeskiwPublic Relations OfficerAs the economy continues to improve, more opportunities are coming to students on the Las Positas College Campus. With the estimated annual cost of attendance at over $17,000 for independent students, an improving economy sounds like Aretha Franklin singing,…
Brandon ClutterWeb EditorIn May of 2013, the new 1600 building was opened to students and faculty around campus. With a new cafeteria, dining rooms, administration offices and places for Admissions and Records, Counseling and Financial Aid, everyone could find what they needed…