Shelby Escott
Features Editor
The polls are closed and the votes are in — mostly. There were some nail biters as well as some landslides. But the voters have spoken. These are the results the people have chosen.
Laura Cameron News Editor
The 100 building now stands empty as plans move forward to update the lower campus. The 100, 200 and 300 buildings will be torn down and replaced with a modern two-story building with more classrooms.
Laura Cameron News Editor
On Wednesday, Oct. 29, Las Positas College’s cafeteria hosted a public question and answer panel with a number of candidates running in the Nov. 4 election. Organized by the ASLPC, the panel gave LPC students a chance…
Shelby Escott Features Editor
The grass problem in the amphitheater is being handled. But was it even a problem in the first place? A long debate between whether to change the design or leave it as it was left the space neglected…
Shelby Escott Features Editor
Unused and neglected, the Las Positas College amphitheater has become nothing more than layer upon layer of patchy grass with some concrete in between. A place that should have seen big productions and bigger audiences barely sees more…
Shayla Gasca Staff writer
Lining the walls of the art gallery, paintings of canned food - each one different from the next - were made for more than just viewing pleasure. Each and every painting reflects their artist’s unique aesthetic, and all…
William TannerEditor-in-chief
When the budget allocation model for the 2014-2015 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District was put into effect, something was amiss. Three items totaling $610,000 that were not previously there had made their way in.
“I knew that it was time for…
Brandon ClutterA&E EDITOR Students spending time in the cafeteria at Las Positas College have been provided with some new entertainment.
Televisions showing MTVU, a channel made available to colleges across the United States, have been installed in the LPC cafeteria. The four TVs have…
Omar RazawiSTAFF WRITERRent is due next week, the car insurance payment went up after that speeding ticket a couple weeks ago, and don’t forget midterms are here!
The struggles of students who are working part time or full time are alive and well.…
Laura CameronCOPY EDITOR
To the grief of those who knew her, former Las Positas College English instructor Peggy Riley died Aug. 22 after a fouryear battle with cancer. She was 77 years old.
Riley retired in 2005 after teaching for more than…