Bekka WiedenmeyerManaging EditorLas Positas College got its first in-depth look at its next president.
On Oct. 2, the three candidates for the vacant position spoke at the open presidential forums,
sharing their experiences and visions with members of the LPC community. District Chancellor
Jannett Jackson,…
Jeffrey YoungHuffington PostIn Washington, D.C., (population 632,000), the drive to enroll the uninsured into health coverage under President Barack Obama's health care reform law is backed by the city government, federal funding and more than 200 local workers helping people apply for…
Will Tanner
A&E Editor
As the government turns the lights back on for their first full day back, one local agency turns theirs off.
BART will be shutdown for for the second time this year due to a strike schedule to start at midnight on…
Ashley FreitasStaff WriterWith all of the different departments playing musical buildings in the past few months due to the opening of the new building, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the library is also going to be going under renovations soon.
Richard JimenezStaff WriterFrom the upper half of the campus where the 2400 building is located, students emerged from their vehicles and prepared for the day. Assignments, tests and homework usually cross the mind of everyday college students. But that day, if one…
William TannerArts & Entertainment EditorFree throws. Cherry picking. Lane pressure. Lob shots. The newest club on campus isn’t what you might expect. In addition to bringing in lots of attention for the outfit they wear, they compete for bragging rights.
The Water Polo…
Martin GallegosStaff WriterThe LPC Cross Country team is showing no signs of slowing down as the season moves along.
Head Coach Steve Navarro made a strategic decision to not have the team run in the Crystal Springs invite on Sept. 27 in order…
Aretha WelchSpecial to the Express“Pancake effect, “unsightly stretch marks” and “heavy load” were just some of the teasers a September issue of In Touch magazine used to pull readers in and give them an up close look at the boobs of some…
Students at Las Positas College share their life experiences
We at The Express strive to be your primary source for information and news about Las Positas College. As part of our efforts to bring you complete coverage, we introduce The Express Newscast.
This first broadcast of 2013 gives you a quick update…