Brave men and women throughout history have fought tirelessly for their right to speak their minds. However, any person living in this volatile day and age would agree that there needs to be a boundary placed between freedom of speech and violence.

By Elisa Villanueva @BBElisacats
Monday through Friday students commute to Las Positas. Some from the Bay Area, some from the valley and for some, even further. Students get up as early as four in the morning to make it to class due to…

By Christopher Hartwell @SilienceSeen
As new programs reach out to students to create networks of friends and classmates, Las Positas puts the community into community college.
The newest program, Umoja, is debuting on campus this year and promises to raise intercultural issues in the…

By Christopher Hartwell @Silienceseen
Las Positas is sometimes referred to as “Lost Potential” because so many people seem to get stuck in a whirlpool of non-progress.
On May 16, the Transfer Center held a celebration for the students who managed to escape the tide.

By Jeremy Julian @faithfulmantis
The season is coming to an end very soon, and it has been a memorable one for video game fans. Spring 2017 will be one to remember for all of gaming history because we’ve seen some remarkable games…

By Brianna Ross @itsbriross
Summer break is a great time to develop marketable skills to prepare for the transition from academia into the workforce.
It has always been stressed that summer internships are instrumental in helping students gain valuable professional experience, develop on-the-job skills,…
By C.J Peterson @SFBAYCJ
C.J. Peterson
A life of “normalcy” has always eluded me.
But what is “normal?” I’ve always asked myself… Or told myself to make me feel better.
I’ve always needed interaction with people, whether they wanted to interact with me or not.…

By Ian Jones @IDJonesPhotog
I’ve been told by some people that I’m pretty heroic because I live with a disability. To me, I’m just living my life, metaphorically putting one foot in front of the other.
I used to think a hero had to…

By Jennifer Snook @sirjid
By now, trans people have a fair amount of visibility. Most people are aware of our existence. There are even a few trans celebrities, like Laverne Cox, Jen Richards, Lana and Lily Wachowski and (sigh) Caitlyn Jenner.
You may have…

By Greg Buckley @gbuckking
Life and death. Words that dance among themselves and create a memory highway connected to one’s deepest emotions.
The best of memories are always the simplest. It can be a smell or a song that engages the memory, leaving a…