Due to the pandemic The LPC RAW Center and Tutoring Center is changing its old online platform. According to Mujeeb Dadgar, a public relations assistant at our district of Las Positas and Chabot “To better serve the students the LPC Raw (Reading and Writing) and the Tutoring Center are switching to a new online platform,“ said Dadgar. Dadgar also stated it will be starting Monday. Mar. 22nd. Online tutoring can be accessed by downloading the free Penji app on your phone or by signing in online with your zone mail account. The RAW and tutoring center will continue to offer the usual drop-in tutoring times. In addition, the new platform will make it easier to access tutoring and communication with tutors. Watch this video to get a sneak peek at the new platform. Also if you have any questions about the LPC tutorial Center email lpctutoring@laspositascollege.edu or questions about the RAW Center.
Brandon Byrne is the social media editor for The Express. Follow him @brandonbyrne18.