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By Greg Buckley @g_buck23

I was raised to mind my own business. I raise my daughters to mind their own business. I don’t like it when people get in my business.

On April 3 and 4 Project Truth was on campus showing off their pro-life savvy to LPC students about the mass amount of disturbing data associated with abortion. Comparing it to an American Holocaust.

Most of the representatives from the Project were older men. Last time I checked, men don’t get pregnant. When a man gets raped, he doesn’t have to deal with the same issues that women have to. It’s safe to say men have no clue what a woman goes through during pregnancy.

During their two-day campaign, Project Truth reps were aggressive in their attempt to educate us, because I’m sure we all want to be educated about abortion on our walk to algebra class from economics class. In every common passing way, they were standing there. The very model of how creepers handle business.

Students and Staff throughout the campus were shocked by some of their material, which included gory images of dead fetuses plastered on their 16-foot signs. I suppose they wanted you to see it from the parking lot.

They passed out pamphlets that contained horrifying images as well as extremely biased information telling you why abortion is so bad and how we should all live in their perfect world.

If their intent was to ruffle feathers, then they succeeded. I expect showings like this in Middle America where there is nothing else to do, but the East Bay didn’t see it coming, and if anything, it let me know how dumb humans can be.

I’m a supporter of free speech, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

This is a community college. The average age is 18 – 22. There may be some women who have had abortions on this campus, and flashing those photos could have hurt them.

We don’t know you. We’ve never seen you around here before. You came onto our campus and hurt some of our students’ feelings.

Go kick rocks and mind your own business, Project Truth.

Shortly after Project Truth packed up and left, there was a counter protest by a former student who was pro-choice.

She didn’t come with any fancy rolling signs the size of movie posters or sick images of death. Peacefully sharing her personal account about why she is pro-choice. While I stood there, students who were disturbed by Project Truth walked up to her and connected with her on an authentic emotional level, something the Project Truth people couldn’t compute.

She used her personal experience as a victim of rape to connect with the handful of students who supported her.

Why do people care so much about what other people do?

The next protest on this campus needs to be the “I’m going to mind my own business” protest.

Thanks for coming, Project Truth, but next time, please don’t.

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1 Comment

  • by William Wilberforce
    Posted September 23, 2017 6:13 AM 0Likes

    It’s good to see that there were no comments in response to your tirade of insults from an ad hominem position, including the self-defeating argument of minding your own business
    We had many great conversations on the campus those two days in which there were changed hearts and minds concerning child sacrifice in America. We WERE minding our own business. Our “business” is about presenting truth to college students lost in their minefield of Government controlled professors, many of whom mislead students away from the discipline of critical thinking. You demonstrated that lack of thinking with more emotional baloney. When you want to engage in challenging our factual content presented those two days, I welcome a good dialogue. Then I won’t have to continue praying your daughters don’t grow up with their father’s lack of reason and wisdom concerning this important issue.

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