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Bekka Wiedenmeyer, News Editor

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, LPC administrators and faculty are devising ways to provide the utmost security for students.

At the Town Meeting on Feb. 6 at LPC, a presentation was given by Kim Aufhauser, Director of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response for the West Valley-Mission Community College District, on how to prepare against institutionalized killings in the form of a shooter.

“Nearly 100 percent of institutionalized killings left breadcrumbs,” Aufhauser said. “We have a role to prevent violence.”

Prevention can come in many different ways. One way, Aufhauser emphasized, is to get involved and be situationally aware.

“You can’t wait to make the decision,” he said. “Denial will not keep you alive.”

Another way to prepare oneself in a situation where an armed attacker may be on campus is to have a lockdown. While practiced lockdowns do not occur as of yet on LPC’s campus, Officer Ryan Sanchez of the Livermore Police Department urged during the meeting that faculty become aware of escape routes and blockade methods in their own classrooms.  He also suggested locks be implemented on classroom doors.

“These are things that are constantly changing. You guys need to change with it,” Sanchez said. “Just remember, it’s all about trying to slow down the threat, trying to limit the loss of life and trying to limit casualties.”

Another way to prevent institutionalized killings from happening is dealing with the root of the problem. Counseling and therapy are both offered by Health Services at LPC, along with the Helping Hands program.

“Mental health is so key,” LPC Student Health Center Coordinator and Nurse Practitioner Dayna Barbero said.

In the end, all students and faculty on campus are encouraged to be aware of their situations and to never wait to make a decision. If it feels like something is wrong, call 911 and take cover.

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