LPC Cash for College
March 2nd is the deadline to apply for and be considered for maximum financial aid for next school year, including a Cal Grant. The LPC Financial Aid Office is hosting a Cash for College event to help and encourage students to file their applications on time. The cash for college event will be Thursday, Feb 25 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. individualized FAFSA and California Dream Act Application online help to current students, high school seniors, parents, and guardians will be provided. Door prizes (gift cards & LPC Swag) will be announced every 30 minutes!
Register here: bit.ly/lpccash4c (or https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAld-yurT4tHtGgKLTlcTaNV50TpPAH4U5W)