Craig Kutil, current coor- dinator of the Mathematics Department has announced his candidacy to run for Academic Senate President for the 2013- 2014 school year. Should he win he will be taking over from cur- rent president Sarah Thompson.
“I’m basically running because we needed someone to run,” Kutil told the Express.
Kutil currently sits on the Senate but would move into the leadership role if the elections, which will be held at the end of the Spring semester go in his favor.
Thus far he is running unop- posed but said should the posi- tion be contested he might step down.
“Basically it’s a pretty heavy workload and you are under a lot of scrutiny in the role,” he
said, explaining why he would not contest if someone else wanted the job.
The President heads the school’s academic senate.
LPC’s Academic senate oper- ates under the guidelines set out by the statewide Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and helps set out grad- ing policies, degree and certifi- cate requirements, budget plan- ning processes and educational program, development.