By Mitchell Mylius
Fans were forgiving, 20-year old artist Niykee Heaton after she became bedridden because of a back injury caused her to miss a performance at Concord Music Hall in Chicago. She had been expressing her coughs and allergies over the last week and today her body could not take it.
She developed bronchitis and was still planning on performing until a huge cough made the artist collapse, injuring her back according to her Snapchat story. The doctor strongly insister her to be bedridden.
Her apology video had fans in tears and support even though their going was cancelled. Heaton was providing support back with weary eyes of her own in the story.
“I’m sorry I had to cancel tonight,” said Heaton as she wiped the wet marks on her grey Nike shirt.
Heaton’s manager Lauren Pisciotta areived at the venue to apologize for the abscence and redeem the fans tickets for December 14 at the same venue.
Niykee Heaton Photographed by Van Styles
Posciotta facetimed the injured artist at the appearance and fans crowded around.
“We love you,” several fans yelled in a video posted on Twitter.