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Katrina Gardner
Staff Writer

Between going to school and working, not many students have time to sit down and enjoy a healthy, home-cooked meal. Its no wonder so many fast food wrappers litter the cars of hundreds of college students. It’s quick and easy to grab on the go, not to mention cheap. But in the end, it all adds up around the waistline.

There are ways for students to eat that are healthy, cheap and take less than 20 minutes. Students can easily double the amounts if they want to make an easy dinner for multiple people. Just because something is cheap and healthy doesn’t mean that it’s not filling. A simple chicken ratatouille is a hearty meal of chicken, potatoes and vegetables.

Simple Chicken Ratatouille (Serves 1)


One or two boneless chicken breasts (sliced into desired size)

Handful of cherry tomatoes cut in half

1/3 of a zucchini, sliced

½ onion, preferably red

3 or 4 small potatoes cut in quarters

Squirts of balsamic glaze

Spoonful of horseradish

Splash of oil

Feel free to add any kind of desired vegetables.


1. Fry the chicken for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to check it’s cooked thoroughly through.

2. Boil the potatoes. When they are almost done, heat the oil in another pan, then begin to fry the onions and zucchini.

3. Drain the potatoes and put to the side.

4. Once the onions and zucchini have softened, add the tomatoes.

5. Stir in the potatoes, balsamic glaze and horseradish, and cook for about 1 minute.

6. Put the chicken on top.


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