March 11. The first day that set off a chain reaction of events at Las Positas College.
I remember being in my friend Sally’s car, on our way to the campus. It was a Wednesday, and I was in the passenger seat…
As a retired person who is only taking one class this semester, I have a lot of free time during the shelter in place. Many of the usual activities I do are not available during the shelter in place. All golf courses…
When I was born, way back in 1996, Michael Jordan had just returned to the NBA after a stint in baseball. He had already won three straight titles before the doctor slapped my butt. I didn’t see him drop 63 in the…
To echo something I wrote in my last piece, the COVID-19 pandemic, more than anything else, will bring about many, many societal changes. It’s going to linger in the ether for a long time after it’s over, and there will be numerous,…
Three weeks ago, everyone went about their daily lives as usual but with the outbreak of COVID-19 in the back of their minds.
It wasn’t until about 4 p.m. on March 16, that people learned about a new shelter in place…
“Our history with nature as we found it is a history of war. Nature conspired to kill us...and we fought back with everything we had,” Jaime Metzel said in his book “Hacking Darwin.”
We’re still fighting, but nature has forced humanity into…
Amongst the many, many societal changes to everyday life brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, “watch at home now” will soon be the new “now playing at a theater near you.”
In response to the widespread closure of movie theaters worldwide, Hollywood…
Las Positas College does not charge for use of the Electric Vehicle Charging stations. Anyone, not only the LPC community, can use the stations free of charge. The charging stations cost money to operate and the users should pay their fair use…
College campus has been shut down since Thursday, March 12 with essential businesses being the only spots where people can remotely congregate. Since then classes have switched to online, and students cannot even enter campus buildings without special permission from campus safety. …