By Carleen Surrena
The sun was bright on this October afternoon, creating a glare off the pool at the Las Positas College swim complex. It may be fall, but no clouds were among the powder-blue sky backdrop highlighting the rolling vineyards…
Carly Surrena
Men’s Soccer
The men’s soccer team plays strong but keeps coming up just a little short each time. They are not losing by much but can’t seem to get the goals scored when need be. The Hawks were looking…
Katrina GardnerArts and Entertainment Editor
The new Volbeat album, Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies, came out earlier this month on the ninth and didn’t disappoint. They showed, once again, that they don’t stick to one genre and are not afraid to experiment with…
Before I joined the military in 2006, I had heard the war stories my father used to tell me, but they were mostly in one ear and out the other. I am sure most of you understand that when a veteran starts…
By @RebeccaRobiso19
In the United States, there has been a recent sweep of fatalities relating to opioids. From celebrities such as Mac Miller to everyday students. Two teens recently died in Livermore and have recently been the center of the conversation, following their…
Hyman Robinson’s wire rimmed glasses sit high on his face. He stands tall and slender with his smile whose as proud as his record. Many professors at Las Positas come from colorful backgrounds, filled with incredible insight with well hidden stories. This…
“I don’t think Latino students as a whole are being fully represented, that’s from my personal opinion and that’s what students tell me.”
An open catalog and a hope for knowledge are the ambitions of every student starting their semester at Las Positas…
On Nov. 7, the White House announced that it would be suspending CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta’s press pass. This will bar him from entry to future press conferences and White House events until further notice.
The editorial board at The…
Violent sex crimes against women are on the rise at Las Positas College, according to campus security 2015-2017 Annual Security Report.
The federally mandated report stated that there were six cases of violent forcible sex acts on campus in 2017. The year before,…
Emily Forschen
I meant no harm.
At 7, I wanted to dress up like my favorite American Girl doll. I borrowed a costume from a friend and got my mom to braid my hair just like the doll. Nobody seemed to think twice about…